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Add a Webform

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A. Form Title and Configuration

“Add Webform” creates the Webform instance in UnionHall. It’s where you edit Administrative information of the form such as, if it’s open or closed, or if you want to schedule when it closes. You can also schedule the Publish date of the form.Figu

Select "Custom Form"
Figure 1. Form Open / Closed Status Setting.

Just before the Open/Closed status setting (Figure 1.), there is a drop-down for “Webform”. This required field selects a starter form for “Join a Union” or “Custom” form. For any form that isn’t “Join a Union”, select “Custom”. Click Save.


B. Form Elements


"Build" view of starter custom form
Figure 2. Custom form start configuration.

We can start off by creating a standard “Contact Us” form. In Figure 2, you can see we already have our comment field and Submit button.


Click the “+ Add Element” button.

Figure 2. Element listing window
Figure 3. Element settings for “Name” field
Figure 3a. Element listing windowFigure 3b. Element settings for “Name” field


We’ll add the basic fields for a contact form, Name, Email, Phone. The Submit button and comment/message field was created with the initial Webform creation. In addition to the basic contact fields, it is ‘Best Practice’ to add “CAPTCHA” to the form. “CAPTCHA” is like a built-in ‘Are you Human?’ test.


Figure 4. “Build” view tab of basic “Contact-Us” form
Figure 4. “Build” view tab of basic “Contact-Us” form

 The "Test" tab renders the form you've created complete with test input ready to submit.

Figure 6. "Test" view of a basic "Contact-Us" form
Figure 5. "Test" view of basic "Contact-Us" form

Return to the "Build" view, and select the "Settings" tab. We want to set up the Contact form with an email address to receive the form submissions. We want to add an "Email Handler".

Figure 6. Add an "Email Handler"
Figure 6. Add an Email Handler.
Figure 7. Email Settings
Figure 7. Select Add Email

Select "+Add Email". The "+Add Handler" is a more advanced topic that will be covered as a secondary part of this guide.

Figure 8. Email configuration window.
Figure 9. Email configuration selection.
Figure 8a. Email configuration window.Figure 8b. Email configuration selection.

The "default" setting sends the submission to the site email in the field under Manage > Configuration > Site Configuration > Site Email. We will select the option above that, "Custom To email address".


Figure 10. Add custom email address
Figure 9. Add custom email address

So, I've entered my own email address into the field (Figure 9.) and we can do the same with  "CC email" and the "BCC email".


Figure 11. Email setting with a custom email entered.
Figure 10. Email setting with a custom email entered.