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What is the Working Families Toolkit?

The Working Families Toolkit provides easy access to customizable fliers and other materials to use in electoral and legislative campaigns across the country. The toolkit allows you to download or request printing and shipping of various materials with customizable headers, footers and logos to brand fliers for the local affiliate union.

Who can use it?

The Working Families Toolkit is accessible to all AFL-CIO affiliate unions, as well as non-affiliated unions who are participating in the AFL-CIO’s political program.

Why should I use Working Families Toolkit?

The Working Families Toolkit is a great way to spread the word about issues important to you, all free of cost.

How much does Working Families Toolkit cost?

It's all free!!!

What will my print materials look like?

All materials will be printed in black and white, but can be printed on different colored paper. Please indicate in your order what color of paper you'd like your order printed on.

How long will it take for me to receive my order?

We ship 2 day UPS, so if you order before 12 pm on a Wednesday, you will receive your fliers in time for your walks on Saturday!

Can I have my own design?

Affiliates can have their own materials uploaded to the site, but otherwise all other content is created by our amazing writing staff at the AFL-CIO.

How often do you add new designs?

We add new designs as requested, as well as needed, depending on the political landscape.